We're glad you found your way here. Read interesting facts about our Masonic lodge and Freemasonry in general.
A guest book and a contact form on our website give you the opportunity to ask questions about what you have read and/or to discuss it.
Our time is characterized by ever more rapid changes than ever before. It often seems that people are left behind in their efforts not to miss the boat. The things that last for long periods of time are becoming more and more valuable.
The Brotherhood at Fichtenberg was founded in Berlin-Steglitz in 1886 to actively live the fundamental Masonic values of freedom, equality and brotherhood to this day.
If you are interested in Freemasonry and would like to join the association, come and visit us at our guest evenings. We would be happy to invite you. Please feel free to contact us via our contact page.
Freemasonry is a union of free men and is not subject to any dogmas. If you ask 100 Freemasons what they understand by this, you will get 100 different answers. You will certainly find a number of questions about Freemasonry among our 100 questions that you have already asked yourself. -continue-
You can find answers to these questions here.